PreFinal-Checklist » History » Version 5

Andriy Lesyuk, 04/30/2016 07:33 PM

1 1 Andriy Lesyuk
# PreFinal checklist
2 1 Andriy Lesyuk
3 5 Andriy Lesyuk
* structure of the table of contents
4 3 Andriy Lesyuk
* "topic" → "section" ("section" → "subsection")
5 4 Andriy Lesyuk
* no dot at the end of a **bullet** list item, if all list items have only one sentence *(numbered list items should always have dots)*
6 3 Andriy Lesyuk
* "check mark" as two words
7 3 Andriy Lesyuk
* "checklist" as single word