PreFinal-Checklist » History » Version 11

Version 10 (Andriy Lesyuk, 05/16/2016 05:22 PM) → Version 11/13 (Andriy Lesyuk, 05/16/2016 07:41 PM)

# PreFinal checklist

* structure of the table of contents
* "topic" → "section" ("section" → "subsection")
* no dot at the end of a **bullet** list item, if all list items have only one sentence *(numbered list items should always have dots)*
* "email" should be always written without dash
* "check mark" as two words
* "checklist" as single word
* "roadmap" and "changelog" as single words
"checkbox" and "textbox" as single words
* "Gravatar" should always start with upper case
* Names of project modules should start with upper case